Anchor Text Optimization

Anchor Text or Link label is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. Anchor text (text of the anchor) is the text a user clicks when clicking a link of a web page. The text that composes a link textutal, that is the one comprised between tag the  HTML (still) of opening and the respective one tag of closing () The contained words in a link textual can contribute to determine the page towards which link the tip.

Anchor text is weighted highly in search engine algorithms, because the linked text is usually relevant to the landing page. The objective of search engines is to provide highly relevant search results; this is where anchor text helps, as tendency is, more often than not, to hyper link words relevant to the landing page.

Optimization occurs when formatting key words as links or describing the links. The keywords being used need to describe the content on the page being linked to.  Anchor text optimization is very important because search engine spiders will detect the text that is used as an active text link and will therefore assume that the website provides true value for that specific keyword. This basic variable in SEO strategy is often not considered by many webmasters thus reducing the results of their link building efforts. Links will have little or no value if they are not using the descriptive keywords that we want to rank for.

So if I want to rank for the keyword tax recruitment, I will need to have a considerable amount of incoming quality links from other websites that are pointing to our site with that precise keyword acting as anchor text. This means that the active text link will display tax recruitment as the text link. Search engine´ s spiders will recognize this and therefore assign value to our website for that keyword thus increasing our chances of better results within SERPS (Search Engine Results Positions). Same reasoning applies to each section using its corresponding keyword.

